Soar Elevation Fund
Soar Elevation Fund allows investors to directly participate in premium real-estate development projects through equity placements. With an average investment term of 2 years, Soar’s projects aim to achieve an attracting IRR.
At a glance
Fund Type
Close-ended Unit Trust
Target IRR
25 - 30% p.a., Varies by projects
Investment Type
Growth, Project Equity
Investment Horizon
18 - 24 months, Varies by projects
Min Investment Term
$100,000 if with Wholesale Certificate*
$500,000 without Wholesale Certificate
Management Fee: 2% p.a.
Performance Fee: 20% of the additional return that is above the gross 10% p.a. benchmark
*This page is indicative only, see Information Memorandum for full fund information before making an investment
*Please refer to Corporation Act 2001. Wholesale Certificate template could be obtain from